All-State Career Programs
Expanded Functions Dental Assisting (EFDA) Courses & Training
For Our Expanded Functions Dental Assisting Program
Expanded Functions Dental Assisting
If you're looking for quality dental assistant schools in Maryland and Pennsylvania, consider the Expanded Functions Dental Assisting program at All-State. Also known as oral healthcare workers, professionals with an expanded functions dental assistant certification can enjoy increased pay, recognition and responsibilities.
As a graduate of this program, you'll receive a diploma and have the skills you need to land an entry-level career in expanded functions dental assisting.
When it comes to choosing an EFDA dental school, we understand you have options. That's why the dedicated instructors at All-State make it their mission to help support you after graduation with employment assistance services, which include:
- Interview techniques and interpersonal relations instruction
- Job leads, classroom presentations and career fairs
- Training on how to ask for an interview by telephone
- Training on how to fill out employment applications
For more information about our expanded functions course for dental assistants, contact All-State Career using the form above.